From the course: Painting Foundations: Light and the Landscape

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Finishing touches

Finishing touches

(peaceful music) - So I've taken a break from the painting to give my eyes a rest. And I'll often do this throughout the process, cause it keeps you fresh and when you come back to the piece you'll often see any mistakes that need working on or show themselves straight away. So here again I've mixed some more of the base tones. Both for the peachy colors and the blues of the sky. I've also got out some yellow ochre. The burnt sienna. Permanent alizarin crimson. Ultramarine blue. Burnt umber. And the violet oxide. Then in this middle line of colors here, is I've mixed a slightly brighter yellow hue. That I can start to add in to some of the highlight areas onto the main buildings. I can also refine some of the edges if I want to. I really like it down here where we've got the highlights of the white, it kind of dances your eye around, and the little highlights on the main focus of the building. So I'm just going to push that further on other areas of the painting. I'm quite happy with…
