From the course: Painting Foundations: Acrylic

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Adding glazes

Adding glazes

- So this is a permanent Alizarin crimson. It's got a really nice color to it when it's in a thin form, so when it's very thin down here it's really nice, but it also works when you add white to it. It goes lovely in pink. So for the first stage, what I'm going to do is what's called a glaze. And a glaze is just a very thin application of the paint that allows you to see some of the underneath paint as well. So it was a bit like having a stained glass window. So you'd have a colored glass and you'd lay it on top of a subject. So, here just with the Alizarin crimson, then add a bit of water to it so I make it quite thin and I can paint it over this area here. And you start to see how it optically mixes so that you have that glow of that red, warm color to it but you can also see the underpainting we've already created underneath. And this is what can be so great with acrylics is because they dry so quickly, you can start to build up layers of these glazes on top of your thick paint and…
