From the course: Overcoming Complexity
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Step two: Holding yourself accountable
From the course: Overcoming Complexity
Step two: Holding yourself accountable
- So often we see complexity as external. We see complexity and the problems that face us as things that have been presented to us, which means sometimes we can be in danger of feeling like a victim. And the minute you feel a victim of complexity or a problem, or a challenge, it just amplifies and becomes worse. Many years ago, in my first year as an educator, I met one of my personal heroes, a young girl who was a student in my first ever class. She was somebody that had the most extraordinarily complex needs. Everything was difficult for her, even to the point where sometimes she would sit down at a desk and simply forget how to hold a pen. Now, so many people in her situation or even in less profound situations find themselves blaming others or seeing external forces as responsible for the challenges and problems they're facing. But not this young woman. She was the most courageous, extraordinary person. She had a…