From the course: Overcoming Complexity
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Deploying the curiosity quotient
From the course: Overcoming Complexity
Deploying the curiosity quotient
- When I became principal at the school, I was honored enough to run. I took over a school that had been failing for a very long time. In fact, there had been eight school principals in neuron a decade. And I remember preparing for my first meeting and thinking about every other first meeting the staff in this school had experienced where they were straight into talking about exam results or data or processes or systems. And I thought, actually, I need to engage my staff in something different. So when I went into that first meeting and asked them the first question, the first thing I said to them was, "How do we turn our school into somewhere as exciting as Disneyland?" Now, one or two people laughed. I'm sure one or two people thought I was crazy. But the reason I did it was because I wanted to activate in them and make explicit something called CQ. The curiosity quotient. Now, many of you will recognize the…