From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Retail layout

Retail layout

- Most folks may think of retail stores as an arm of sales and marketing, but I like to think of a place like a grocery store as a manufacturing facility. Really, I do. What do they manufacture? They manufacture a grocery experience. At manufacturing facilities. Companies develop a process, perhaps it might be an assembly line, and then they run materials through the process to create a finished good. In a grocery store, the store layout is the assembly line, and customers, they're the material, and if we're successful, they become a finished good. They will hopefully become a satisfied grocery shopper that spent their money in the store on the things they needed, and the things we wanted them to buy. Don't believe me? Let's run through a grocery shopping experience. Here's the typical grocery store layout in the United States. We'll enter near the door that has the carts. Typically, the first thing we…
