From the course: Operations Management Foundations
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Project management for operations professionals
From the course: Operations Management Foundations
Project management for operations professionals
- While many of the things we're asked to do at work each day are often repetitive, sometimes the company takes on a task that is large, complex, and/or unique. These types of endeavors are called projects. Projects typically have timelines that could be as short as a few weeks or as long as a number of years. The goal, of course, is to accomplish something new, something grand, or sometimes something that is difficult. Examples might include designing a new product, creating a revolutionary drug to cure a disease, building a sports stadium, developing a comprehensive annual report for your investors. In order to achieve these difficult goals, project managers must consider all of the possible activities that must be achieved. They must be able to estimate the time and resources required for each of those activities, and they must also know in which order those activities must be completed. Once this is accomplished,…