From the course: OneDrive Quick Tips

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Share a file in OneDrive

Share a file in OneDrive

- [Host] OneDrive is your individual file library. This means all of your files are private until you choose to share these with others. And at any time, you can stop sharing a file. If a file is already open in the web or desktop app, such as you see here. You can start the share process by selecting share in the upper right corner, and then making a selection from the menu such as selecting share, and then making the appropriate choices in this share box. Instead though, let's close this and let's minimize this app and go back here to the OneDrive document library. So from here, if you want to share a file, there's a few ways you can start the process. I want to point out though, when you're hovering over a file over here to the right is share, let's select that and then add the name of the person or the group within your organization. And if external sharing has been turned on for your organization, you can also enter an email address and share it externally. Let's start typing the…
