From the course: OneDrive Quick Tips

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Restore a file in OneDrive

Restore a file in OneDrive

From the course: OneDrive Quick Tips

Restore a file in OneDrive

- [Instructor] Sometimes, a file that's been deleted needs to be restored to its original OneDrive document library location. To restore a deleted file, select the Recycle Bin from the navigation pane. Here in the Recycle Bin, notice that there are headings, so there are columns that offer more information about these files that have been deleted, such as the name of the folder or the file, the date that it was deleted, who it was deleted by, and who it was created by. As well, if we scroll down, we can use the scroll bar to scroll over to the right, and if we go back to the top here, notice that it also shows the original location of where this file resided. Now, to delete one of these files, let's go ahead and select a circle next to the name of the file that we want to delete, so we're just going to scroll back over here, locate a file such as this PowerPoint presentation and check that circle, and now at the ribbon at the top, you'll notice that there's a choice to Restore this…
