From the course: OneDrive for Business Essential Training
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Use OneDrive with Teams
From the course: OneDrive for Business Essential Training
Use OneDrive with Teams
- [Instructor] Microsoft Teams and OneDrive work well together, so that you can find files that have been placed on your teams that you belong to. I'm in Teams on the desktop right now. In fact, I'm in the TechFest team in the General channel, and I can see some chats, and here's a file that's been posted to this team. Now, I know in addition to posts in this team, I can also click Files, and access those files directly. But it's also important to note that if I want this again, along with any other file that I may have in any other teams in the app, I can click Files on the left-hand side in Teams and view my cloud storage. This looks just like the OneDrive screen online. I have Quick access. Here's TechFest, and if I click on General, here are those two files. If I click Home, I can see any recently accessed file in my OneDrive, and here's My files. This should look very familiar to you. It even has the new icon.…