From the course: OneDrive for Business Essential Training
Organize files and folders
From the course: OneDrive for Business Essential Training
Organize files and folders
- [Instructor] Let's get to work uploading some files. At the very top of the screen, I'll click Add New. I can upload individual files or an entire folder, let's do some files first. So if I select Files from here, it's just going to be a standard browse dialogue box, just like when you're choosing an attachment for email. I'll browse. And I can select a file. I can either click on it, or because I'm using Windows, I can place a check mark beside it. I can also hold the Shift key down and select multiple files. I'll click Open. And I can see that it's uploading files. Now, it says that one item wasn't uploaded. If I click this arrow, it's going to pop out with a status window so I can look and see what the problem was. It's telling me that a file with this name already exists in OneDrive. So I have a choice now, I can add it as a new version of the existing file, or keep them both. If I don't want to do anything, I could just close out of this and leave the existing file as it is. I'll click the X to close out of the progress pane, and here's all the files. I can tell all of my new ones because they have this little icon in the corner. And if I hover my mouse over the icon, it says This Item Is New. Now, just to reiterate, I am in My Files here on the left-hand side, and because of that, I can see the name of the files, when they were modified, who modified them, the size, and the sharing status. And if I want to look at these files a little more clearly, on the top right-hand side of the screen, I can click this down arrow to switch my view options and change it to tiles. It's going to give me a nice thumbnail view, which is helpful if I have images or documents. Let's upload a folder, I'll click Add New one more time. And this time, I'll choose Folder Upload. And I'm still in my Red30 Tech folder, although I'll back out of that because I want to show you that in here, I can only see folders, I can't choose individual files. So I'll choose this Documents folder and click Upload. It's asking me if I want to upload all 23 files from this folder. I'll say yes, so I'll click Upload again. And depending on the speed of my internet connection and how many files there are, it's going to take a few moments or a little while. If I want to see the progress, I can click that Arrow button again and see what's going on. I scroll down, I can see everything's uploading. Whoop! And they're already done, that was quick. (laughs) There's one more way that we can upload files. I'm going to open up a File Explorer window. I'll move it over a little bit so we can see what's going on here on the screen still. I'll go back into my Red30 Tech folder. And from here, I can click on a file, hold it, and drag it right into this screen. So all I did was drag it into the OneDrive screen, and it automatically uploaded. In fact, here it is. I can continue dragging or just close out of that File Explorer window if it didn't close automatically. So now let's go back into that Documents folder, and I can click on it once because it's a hyperlink. It's uploaded those files and it's uploaded folders, everything that was in that folder has been uploaded. In fact, I can keep going. I can click on each subfolder, and I can dig down deeper and deeper. In each folder, I can see my breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen, and I can click backwards to navigate out of that folder. And finally, I can click on My Files to get back to the root of my OneDrive directory.