From the course: Objectified
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(electronics crashing into container) (banging) (machines buzzing) - Arguably the biggest single challenge facing every area of design right now is sustainability. It's no longer possible for designers to ignore the implications of continuing to produce more and more new stuff, that sometimes we need and sometimes we don't need. Designers spend most of their time designing products and services for the 10% of the world's population that already own too much. When 90% don't have even basic products and services. Just to lead a subsistent life. Although a lot of designers believe emotionally and intellectually in sustainability, they and the manufacturers they work for are finding it very, very difficult to come to terms with, because sustainability isn't just a sort of pretty, glamorous process, of using recycled materials to design something that may or may not be in the color green. It's about re-designing every single aspect from sourcing materials, to designing, to production, to…
Air-Chair2m 14s
Opening titles44s
Morning objectives2m 35s
Smart Design5m 6s
Dieter Rams3m 17s
Jonathan Ive5m 24s
Form and function3m 33s
The Bouroullec Brothers4m 19s
Marc Newson3m 33s
IKEA, Paola Antonelli2m 5s
Target, Rob Walker2m 21s
Chris Bangle3m 47s
Hella Jongerius3m 27s
Karim Rashid4m 29s
David Kelley and Bill Moggridge4m 51s
Naoto Fukasawa4m 12s
Sustainability1m 40s
IDEO9m 11s
Dunne & Raby3m 49s
Closing thoughts2m 8s
The hurricane's coming1m 49s
Credits1m 1s