From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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2D Viewer wipe controls

2D Viewer wipe controls - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training

2D Viewer wipe controls

- [Instructor] The viewer wipe controls are a very important image comparison and analysis tool. It also has built-in operations that provide several methods of comparison. So here are the viewer wipe controls, but if yours are missing it might be because you have your viewer just a little bit too small. See, they disappeared. So I'm going to pull this open to make sure they show up. Also going to pull a little harder. I'm missing my RGB guys over here, so I'm going to pull that open until they pop in. There we go. Okay, we're good to go. So the viewer wipe controls up here you enable by hitting this pop-up here and setting it to wipe. Now it'll start with a wipe under because that's the default for comparing two different images. So here's the set-up. Here is Read 1, which is this ocean, which we see here. Over here is Read 2. I can toggle my viewer back and forth like so. Now what you need to do is you come over here and under each input, the A and the B inputs, you'll see every…
