From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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The future of philanthropy

The future of philanthropy

- You've reached the end of the course, but this is just the beginning of your fundraising journey. The future of your organization and your fundraising efforts are bright if your employees, leadership team, volunteers, board members, and donors are united in advancing your mission. It is not your bottom line that counts. Your mission and supporters are what really matters. It has been clearly established that people want and need to engage in philanthropy. You should now feel confident in executing the following to remain an outstanding fundraiser: making more face-to-face contacts, communicating with donors without a financial request, cultivating connections with prospects, and remind yourself that your job is to inspire, not collect checks, educating the board about fundraising and providing them with opportunities to engage with donors, making them feel like an important part of the fundraising team, inviting…
