From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide
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The watchdog era
From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: A Beginner’s Guide
The watchdog era
- Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? How did you feel? Did you believe them the next time they promised you something. Today we're going to explore how trust affects your fundraising success. I'm going to give you insight into why today's savvy donors act on their values, using their hearts and their heads. People like to know where their money is going, and have started depending on charity watchdog groups to help them figure it out. Groups like Charity Navigator, Better Business Bureau's charity accreditation, or GuideStar, exist to scrutinize non-profit organizations' operations, and financial management, to ensure donors charitable gifts are used as intended. While charity watchdogs aim to hold nonprofits accountable, they do not have the resources to review every organization. None of these groups use the same set of standards, ratings, or marks for approval, and each shares information…