From the course: No-Code Web Design
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Your website isn't for everyone—and that's OK!
From the course: No-Code Web Design
Your website isn't for everyone—and that's OK!
- [Instructor] Target audience is one of those marketing terms you may or may not have heard before. This means that in an ideal world, your target audience are the kinds of people who are interested in your website, your products and your services. We need to know as much as possible about these people, so we can design a website that appeals to them. Usually, this involves understanding four characteristics about our audience. First of all, straight demographics. How old are these people, are they male or female, where do they work, how much education did they have, these sorts of basic pieces of information about people. Second, psychographics. Psychographics often includes things like, what are their hobbies? What are their habits, what kind of values do they have? Geographics, which is where are they in the world, like are they located in California or in Boston, are they at home or are they at work, and then finally, technographics. Are they working with desktops or laptops or…
Understanding organizational, user, and website goals3m 58s
Your website isn't for everyone—and that's OK!3m 15s
What is reputation management?2m 13s
Three ways people find you that aren't through Google2m 27s
Eliminating website ROT2m 56s
Organizing your content5m 30s
Five tips for hiring website help3m 35s
What is website accessibility?2m 24s
Six tips for improving website accessibility3m 51s
What are some quick and easy ways to create videos?2m 37s
What are all of those web technologies?3m 37s
What is inclusive or universal design?2m 28s
Three tips for designing for older audiences2m 45s
Three tips for designing for younger audiences2m 9s
What is gamification?1m 52s
Illustrations take over the web5m 10s
Graphics made easy with Canva4m 21s