From the course: No-Code Web Design

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What are all of those web technologies?

What are all of those web technologies?

From the course: No-Code Web Design

What are all of those web technologies?

- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, Vue, Angular, the list goes on and on and on. What is that stuff and why does your web developer specialize in only one or two of those things? To start with, most work on the web is divided into two big parts, the front end and the back end. The front end is the part of the website that you see when you visit a website. It has colors, images and things you can click on. The back end is the part that lives behind the scenes. There's typically some heavy lifting of data going on there. Often in the form of databases and data manipulation. Web developers often specialize in one of these areas, thus the specialized name of front end or back end developer. Someone who specializes in both areas is considered full stack, meaning that they work across the full spectrum of web development. As for all of those languages and words, let's sort those out. On the front end of a website…
