From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Three ways people find you that aren't through Google

Three ways people find you that aren't through Google

From the course: No-Code Web Design

Three ways people find you that aren't through Google

- [Narrator] How are people finding you online today? About 98 percent of you just said Google. Well, fair enough. But, is that the only way to be found? Of course not. So what might be some other ways to be found other than through Google search? Social media is critically important to spreading your message, in addition to providing another channel for finding you. Understanding your target audience here is critical, once again. These days grandparents love Facebook because it's full of photos of grandchildren. If you're trying to reach older buyers, Facebook may be a great way to do that. Twitter is perfect for technical audiences. Instagram is the choice for any kind of lifestyle product. So while there are many different social media channels out there, don't forget that your audience may prefer just one or two. If so, that's where you need to be also. If you sell makeup, someone else is selling body lotion and handmade soap. If you sell writing services, someone else is a…
