From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Three tips for getting email newsletters opened and read

Three tips for getting email newsletters opened and read

From the course: No-Code Web Design

Three tips for getting email newsletters opened and read

- [Jen] Email is still super effective for getting your message out. That's why it's still used. Emails hang around in your inbox, rather than disappearing like some social media posts. Don't hesitate to use email to keep your audience informed about company news, sales, promotions, events, new blog posts, and so much more. Here are three tips for great email newsletters. First of all, be sure you write a clear and informative subject. Have you ever deleted an email without opening it? I'll be shocked if you haven't. You've deleted the email based on who it was from and what it was about. The subject is the most important part of the email. A subject of "hello" just doesn't work for a professional or a promotional newsletter. So let's be clear about what's inside that email with an interesting subject line. As they say in the newspaper business, don't bury the lead. Make that subject clear, informative, and compelling so that people are more likely to open your emails. Your best…
