From the course: No-Code Web Design
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Eliminating website ROT
From the course: No-Code Web Design
Eliminating website ROT
- [Instructor] Did you get stuck with a website redesign? It's like an archeological dig, sifting through all those layers of content through the years. Even though it's tedious, it's well worth reading through all of your content as you start the redesign process. Track where it came from and be ruthless about what's worth keeping. What's isn't worth keeping? Anything that suffers from ROT. ROT stands for redundant, outdated, and trivial. Inevitably, you will find some ROT on your website. It just happens through the years. We are pack rats with websites. All of those press releases from 2004, the event registrations from events 15 years ago, and silly things we say on websites that just aren't needed. In an ideal world, you'll say something once on your website and either link to it or find a way to redisplay that information everywhere else you'd like it to appear on the site. Why is that? Because otherwise, you'll put a piece of information here, another there, a third thing…
Understanding organizational, user, and website goals3m 58s
Your website isn't for everyone—and that's OK!3m 15s
What is reputation management?2m 13s
Three ways people find you that aren't through Google2m 27s
Eliminating website ROT2m 56s
Organizing your content5m 30s
Five tips for hiring website help3m 35s
What is website accessibility?2m 24s
Six tips for improving website accessibility3m 51s
What are some quick and easy ways to create videos?2m 37s
What are all of those web technologies?3m 37s
What is inclusive or universal design?2m 28s
Three tips for designing for older audiences2m 45s
Three tips for designing for younger audiences2m 9s
What is gamification?1m 52s
Illustrations take over the web5m 10s
Graphics made easy with Canva4m 21s