From the course: No-Code Solutions for Web Sites And Apps

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- [Instructor] The next piece of workflow automation software we'll look at is called Make. It used to be called Integromat, but it's now called Make, at, and it is similar to Zapier in that it solves the same kind of problems. It has series of tasks and workflows that can be automated across all different kinds of software. One of the things that Make does that Zapier does not do as well is a nice visual here for what's going on, so as you see here on the homepage of the website, if you fill out the form, we can notify the team, create a record, and send an email, all here on the screen. As I scroll down a little bit further, you can see what kind of apps are available here inside of Make, and there are many of them, and there are a thousand more apps after this. I think Zapier was boasting about 5000 apps. So, Make may not do as many as Zapier, but it may also do some different ones than Zapier does. If you take…
