From the course: Networking Foundations: Networking Basics

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DNS overview

DNS overview

- When we're trying to reach a server, maybe like a web server out on the internet or even something local to our network, we typically know the name of the server, but not its IP address. The issue is our routers forward traffic based on IP address information, not names. So we need to take those easy to remember names and translate them into the often harder to remember IP addresses, and that's the job of a DNS server where DNS stands for Domain Name System. Consider this typology, where the PC it wants to reach the web server. Usually an end-user device, like this PC, it knows the IP address of a DNS server, that's one of the pieces of information that it learned from its DHCP server, and if the PC does indeed know the IP address of the DNS server, it can send out a request to that DNS server saying, "Hey, what's the IP address of" The DNS server receives that request and it might have that…
