From the course: Networking Foundations: Networking Basics

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DHCP overview

DHCP overview

- We know that each of our network devices need an IP address in order to communicate on the network. But if we've got lots of devices, it can be a huge administrative burden to go to each device one at a time and configure all that IP address information. Fortunately, there's a protocol that can help us out, it's called Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP for short. And we can have a DHCP server that can hand out IP address information to all of our different network devices. Let's take a look at how that works. Now, when I think of DHCP, I'm reminded of a show that my daughters used to watch when they were very little, it was on Nickelodeon. It was called "Dora the Explorer". I think more recently there's been a live action, "Dora the Explorer" movie. And the reason Dora reminds me of DHCP is the letters, D-O-R-A. That gives us the first letter of each message sent during a DHCP reservation. Consider this…
