From the course: Networking Foundations: Networking Basics
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Comparison to the TCP/IP model
From the course: Networking Foundations: Networking Basics
Comparison to the TCP/IP model
- In addition to the OSI model that we just discussed, there's another reference model that I really want you to understand. It's the TCP/IP model. Now this model, it combines layers five through seven of the OSI model, it combines those into a single layer that we're going to call the application layer. Now interestingly, there are some variants to that TCP/IP model, they give different names to the bottom layers. Let me show you a few different examples. Now here, we see the seven layer OSI model. Now let's compare that with the TCP/IP model. Now commonly, the TCP/IP model combines the OSI model's physical and data link layers into a single network access layer, and the network layer, it gets renamed as the internet layer, but the transport layer, it keeps its name, it stays the same. But the big difference between these two models is combining layers five through seven into that single application layer. Now…