From the course: Negotiating Your Job Offer and Salary

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Knowing when and how to accept, counter, or decline a job offer

Knowing when and how to accept, counter, or decline a job offer

From the course: Negotiating Your Job Offer and Salary

Knowing when and how to accept, counter, or decline a job offer

- Now that you've made your initial offer request, the recruiter is likely going to get back to you with a counteroffer. Here's some common outcomes that we'll cover together. Gladly accept, counter the offer, and decline the offer. Let's dive in. First up is gladly accept. Sometimes you'll have an intuitive feeling that's screaming, "Yes, I'm so excited for this opportunity, I eagerly accept." For instance, one of my clients was told in the phone interview the max budget for the role was $185,000. Before they extended the offer, she already knew this was an aligned opportunity from the role, the company, the people, the culture, and meeting her top three values. So when they extended 185,000, she deeply appreciated receiving the maximum, and eagerly accepted because the offer was in full alignment. Her gut and her heart have infinite wisdom, and I believe, when tuning into our body, we can make more aligned decisions than just thinking with the head. So for example, if you feel joy…
