From the course: Nano Tips to Uncover Your Strengths with Shadé Zahrai
Identifying your true strengths
From the course: Nano Tips to Uncover Your Strengths with Shadé Zahrai
Identifying your true strengths
It can be challenging to pinpoint strengths when you're deeply engrossed in the doing aspect of daily life. I created this simple matrix to help you make sense of strengths and to know where to place your focus. Start by listing the typical activities and tasks you do at work in a given week. Next, plot your activities and tasks on a strengths matrix, where on the vertical axis, you have low or high proficiency, and on the horizontal, de-energizing or energizing. So let's say you're good at running analyses, but it drains you. That belongs in the do-less quadrant. You love coding and you've been at it for years, but you're still an amateur at best. Keep it as a hobby. Now, let's say you're a natural at sales and you get a thrill every time you help a client. Do more of that. Last, you want to avoid anything that both drains you and isn't in your wheelhouse. You'll find a copy of this matrix in the exercise files.
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