From the course: Nano Tips for Handling Difficult Work Situations with Tiffany Uman

How to overcome mistakes at work

- Here's the best way to overcome mistakes at work. Pro tip, do not try to cover it up or pretend like it didn't happen because that will almost always backfire on you. And remember, everyone makes mistakes at work. It's only human. Even the CEOs that you've worked with make mistakes. But it's really not so much about the mistake itself so much as how you respond to the situation and move forward. So instead, you really want to own the mistake and show what you're doing to avoid that happening again. And here's an example of how you can go about it. I wanted to let you know upfront that I missed the deadline that was to be submitted on the brief yesterday. There's a lot of moving parts on this particular project and so, that deadline slipped my mind as I thought it was due next week, not this week. That said, I already have a plan in place to recoup that lost time so that it's not going to compromise the end deadline. And moving forward, I'm creating an even more detailed tracker for myself so that I have everything that I need to ensure that I don't miss out on these timelines again. And I'm happy to share this new tracker with you if it's something that you'd like to see. As you can see from this example, the focus is a lot more back heavy on what you're doing moving forward as opposed to dwelling on the mistake itself. My golden rule is you can make mistakes. Just make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice.
