From the course: Nano Tips for Building Soft Skills with Elayne Fluker
How to inspire creativity and innovation
From the course: Nano Tips for Building Soft Skills with Elayne Fluker
How to inspire creativity and innovation
- Nuanced and novel ideas are key to innovation. But how do we nurture them within ourselves and among our teams? Here are three ways to foster creativity and innovation. Number one, create space and opportunity for people to ask questions and share ideas. If you or your team members feel that you're not able to show up to meetings without all the answers, there is no space for new ideas to be presented or to be workshopped collaboratively so that they can become even better. If you're a leader, be willing to model that behavior that encourages curiosity and idea sharing. If you're a team member, be willing to ask questions that challenge the current way of thinking. Number two, try something new. If people are constantly sharing ideas that never go anywhere, their enthusiasm will wane. If an idea is feasible, give it a try and be clear that it's a test. This will encourage continued sharing and innovation. Number three, reward the try. Celebrate people and their work, not just the win. Give them the praise for the try. This simple act encourages them to try again and creates a culture of creativity and innovation. Give these innovation tips a try and let me know how it goes.
Why soft skills matter1m 6s
How to enhance your verbal communication skills1m 6s
How to sharpen your critical thinking skills1m 1s
How to level up your leadership style1m 7s
How to foster teamwork and collaboration1m 22s
How to boost your emotional intelligence skills1m 10s
How to develop a growth mindset1m 32s
How to inspire creativity and innovation1m 10s
How to leverage your soft skills throughout your career18s