From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

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Treating the doors

Treating the doors

Assuming that you're not able to build a two door airlock like in most commercial studios. You can still treat your existing doors and improve their effectiveness to a great degree. The secret is to make sure that the door has absolutely no air leaks, by adding weather stripping and a quality door jam. The most common type of weather stripping is simple rubber padding, cut into strips from three eighth inch to three quarter inch wide. And from eighth inch to three eighth inch thick rolls, that are usually about 20 feet long. The back side of the weather stripping has an adhesive coat on it, that makes it very easy to affix to the wood doorstop trim to get the tightest seal. There are also many types of metal weather stripping available. This side can be a little tighter, because it can be adjusted to create a better seal. But it does take more time to install. A threshold fixed to the floor underneath the door provides a tight seal and maximizes the isolation. But it makes it…
