From the course: Music Production Secrets: Larry Crane on Mixing
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Why compress? - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Music Production Secrets: Larry Crane on Mixing
Why compress?
Compression is one of the subjects that many recorders get bogged down in when they first start recording. I remember some friends bringing over a compressor to my home studio a long time ago. We were just turning knobs and listening, I don't think we had the slightest idea of what we were hearing, and whether it was helping the audio or harming the audio. I'm going to show you a few simple things to kind of wrap your head around. I don't want this to be a tutorial where we're talking about all the knobs and explaining how the compressor works, and then leave you hanging with no way to use it. This is going to be a little bit of application, and just some simple examples to help you wrap your head around compression, and see how you might be using it in a mix. Think of it as a limiting amplifier, that's what they earlier compressors were called. It limits the peaks of audio coming in and then re-amplifies it back up. So, a compressor essentially, is taking your audio and kind of…
Gating audio for noise elimination8m 36s
Gating audio for creative and musical purposes5m 5s
Using analog tape delay for vocals9m 32s
Creating and using backwards reverb in a DAW5m 54s
Why compress?7m 4s
Re-amping guitars4m 30s
Re-amping bass4m 57s
Re-amping drums5m 46s
Re-amping vocals3m 21s
Re-amping a Leslie speaker cabinet5m 49s