From the course: Multinational Communication in the Workplace
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Participate in lunch or dinner meetings
From the course: Multinational Communication in the Workplace
Participate in lunch or dinner meetings
- As an Italian, I often have food or treats during meetings at the office. But that's just a snack. The real meal comes later, and it lasts anywhere from one to three hours. In an English-speaking environment instead, you might find a combination of work meetings and actual meals. Depending on the company you work for and the purpose of the meeting, you could have it at the office or at the restaurant, at lunch or at dinner. Lunch meetings at the office focus on productivity rather than on conviviality. There is a little bit of small talk but the main focus is on job-related topics. There could be ordering in sometimes, again, depending on the company. When I was teaching in an American college, we had ordering in all the time at every meeting, which for me was very distracting since that never happens in Italy. If the meeting is at the restaurant, then it's normal to have a little bit of small talk, especially before ordering food. Consider that in countries like Italy or Turkey you…
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