From the course: Moving Past Change Fatigue to the Growth Edge

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The power of future customers

The power of future customers

- How is it that some people in organizations seem to constantly challenge, push, and change without ever getting tired? It's as if they're the Energizer Bunny powered by batteries that never seem to run out. Their secret is that they combat fatigue by focusing on future customers. Future customers provide a never-ending source of inspiration. They're an energy source that constantly renews itself because there's always another future customer waiting for you to engage and delight them. You have to avoid being blinded by your beautiful profitable customers and instead, chase after your fastest-moving customers. They will keep you fresh and on your toes. There are a lot of reasons why organizations don't focus on future customers. They're hard to find, it's often unprofitable, and your current customers demand a lot of your time. To find your future customers, look to your adjacent customers. These are people who…
