From the course: Motion Graphics for Social Media

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Text animators and presets

Text animators and presets

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at methods for animating text in After Effects. And with this example here, we're going to use the text animation presets. So to find those, we're going to come over to Window and choose Effects & Presets. And there we have it on the right-hand side. In the Animation Presets section, we're going to just drop it down here, just click the arrow, and we'll scroll down to find the text animation presets. We'll open that up, and inside here you'll see a whole load of folders, and inside each one, there are different presets. So if we look at the Animate In category, we can just look at maybe the Fade Up Words. So how do we apply this? We can apply an animation preset in a number of ways. We could drag it onto the text, like so, we could drag it onto the layer in the terminal, or with the layer selected in the timeline, we can double-click on the animation preset, and it will be applied. So if…
