From the course: Motion Design in After Effects

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Animating per-character 3D text

Animating per-character 3D text

- [Man] Now we reached the final part of the poster animation. And this is to animate the text itself. Now I want to create some fence animation meaning to actually animate each line on its own, as well as convert them to a 3D text. So, because this is a live text inside illustrator, we can't go and select the same technique that we've used before by right clicking, choosing Create and Create shapes from vector layer. In fact, if we are going to do it, it will tell us that there are no supported content because there are no vectors there. There isn't any shapes to work with. So one way to work is to go back to illustrator, and then Create Outlines from this text. But I'm assuming that you may want to change this text in the future, so I'll offer you a better way to work. It's a bit of a workaround, but it's not so painful. So the way to work here is to select the text here in the After Effects timeline, then go…
