From the course: Motion 5.3 Essential Training

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Creating object masks

Creating object masks

- [Narrator] Up until this point, we've been using mask shapes to actually determine the transparency of layers within our Motion projects, but in this example, we're actually going to use what's called an object mask, which basically means we could use the transparency of one layer to determine the transparency of another layer. So, to better understand how these different methods of masking are different, is to actually apply both kinds of masks. So I want you to go down to the timeline here, and just scrub the play head back until you see the letters INC move up underneath the words kinetEco. I want these letters to be transparent here, and then slide out from underneath of kinetEco. So to do that what I'll do is select the INC layer here in my Layers panel and with that layer selected I'm going to go ahead and go over to my Mask tools, over here. My Mask shapes, and I'll click and hold, and I'll choose the Rectangle Mask shape. And I'll draw a rectangle right around the letters…
