From the course: Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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Evaluating your sandbox results
From the course: Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Evaluating your sandbox results
- [Instructor] Now that your sandbox is created and you're sending data to it from GTM you'll need to wait a few days to get a representative sample of data in there. While you're waiting on that, make a list for yourself and all the things you need to track to be sure it's working correctly. You'll want to review, page views, are they similar? Sources and mediums, do they mostly line up? Event tracking, iS it working as it should? Events based on events, are they firing as designed? And custom dimensions and metrics, are they capturing the data that you need? I provided a Google Sheet that you can use for this testing process, which you can download in the course resources. This is the same sheet you have been using for the other videos in this course. Look for sandbox evaluation tab. In the sheet, you'll be inputting the various metrics that you see in each property, and then you can compare the percentage that they are…
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