From the course: Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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Educating your team on GA4

Educating your team on GA4

- Depending on your own work arrangement, you might have other team members or clients that will be affected by your move from Universal to GA4. Education is key. Someone who is very familiar with Universal might be able to navigate around GA4, but they would be missing a number of the reports that they would've become used to and seeing in Universal. Your role in this transition is to act as an educator and help your team understand why the change happened, what has impacted their end, if anything, and what they need to know going forward. At our agency, we are setting up GA4 for clients, but we aren't necessarily using it for full-time analysis just yet. Some of the features in GA4, such as the first visit event, events based on events, and the path explorations are so good we're already incorporating those into our reporting workflow. Even though we aren't using GA4 for all our reporting needs, our goal is to achieve as…
