From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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View tasks and task links

View tasks and task links

- [Instructor] After you link tasks, the timescale can get so cluttered that it's hard to see which tasks are linked. Project offers a few features that can make links easier to see. Well, first of all, in the Gantt chart with the entry table displayed, there's a predecessors column. So you can look in that column to see the task IDs of predecessors and information about the links, like what type they are, and if they're a lag or lead. Another place to look at links, of course, is in the time scale where you have the visual schedule. So to look at that, let's first point at the vertical divider and drag it to the left, so I can see more of the timescale. I'm going to select one of the early tasks in the project, and on the task tab, over in the editing section on the right end of the ribbon, click, scroll to task. The time units in the timescale are making the task bars very long. So let's also change the time units, so that the task bars are a little bit more compact. To do that…
