From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
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Use the Timeline view
From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
Use the Timeline view
- [Instructor] The timeline view is great for showing a high-level view of a project. It also lets you adjust the dates in the primary view. Well, let's start by switching to the Gantt with Timeline view. On the View tab, I'm going to click the bottom half of the Gantt chart button and then on the menu, choose More Views. In the More Views dialog box, let's find Gantt with Timeline. Select it and then click Apply. So Gantt with Timeline, as you might expect, it has the timeline displayed up in the timeline pane and then the Gantt chart displayed in the primary pane. If you go to the Split View section on the View tab, you'll notice that the check mark for timeline is turned on. That means the timeline pane is visible. If you don't want to see the timeline temporarily, you can just turn that checkbox off to hide it and then when you want to see it again, turn the checkbox on. You can use the timeline to highlight parts of a project, like important summary tasks or crucial milestones…
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Insert and rearrange table columns4m 52s
Change column settings in a table4m 30s
Use the Timeline view5m 5s
Create multiple timelines2m 59s
Sort tasks and resources2m 59s
Group tasks and resources5m 39s
Filter tasks and resources5m 38s