From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Use Team Planner to assign resources

Use Team Planner to assign resources

- [Female Speaker] Team Planner is available in Project Professional and Project Online Desktop Client. It's an easy way to work on resource assignments for small teams, but it does have a few limitations. To work with it, we're going to go to the view tab. In the resource views section, click the top half of the Team Planner button. And also, go over to the split view section and turn off the details checkbox so Team Planner takes up the whole screen. You'll see that in the top half of this view, there's a column for resource name, and you end up having swim lanes for each of the resources in your project. If there are tasks assigned to those resources, but the tasks haven't been scheduled, they'll appear in this unscheduled tasks column. And, in addition, at the bottom, there is an unassigned tasks pane. Those are tasks that are scheduled, but not assigned to resources. I'm going to point at that horizontal divider and just drag it up a little bit so I have a larger unassigned tasks…
