From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Understand duration, work, and units

Understand duration, work, and units

- [Instructor] A task's duration, work, and assignment units are interconnected. The mathematical relationship is simple, and it's the key to getting your resource assignments right every time. First, a few definitions. Duration is the length of a task from its start to its finish. If a task starts on Monday morning and ends on Friday afternoon, the duration is five workdays. Work represents the person hours it takes to complete the task. For example, a task has a duration of five days, but you're going to work two hours each day on the task. The work is 10 hours. Assignment units, also referred to just as units, are the percentage of the assigned resource's available time dedicated to the task. Full-time is 100%. Halftime is 50%. You can show units as a decimal too. In that case, full-time is 1.0 and halftime is .5. Basic algebra is all it takes to understand the relationship between duration, work, and units. Duration equals work divided by units. Suppose you estimate work at 40…
