From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
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Review the critical path
From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
Review the critical path
- [Instructor] The critical path is the longest linked sequence of tasks in a project, which means changes to the critical path also change the project finish date. Project makes it easy to see the critical path, so you can keep your project on time or shorten the schedule. We're going to start by heading to the Gantt Chart Format tab. If you look in the Bar Styles section, you'll notice that there's a Critical Tasks checkbox. So look over at the timescale and notice the color of the bars. Now I'm going to turn on critical tasks. And when I do that, some of the bars turn red, because those are the ones that are critical. Critical tasks have no slack. That means if the task delays, it delays the project. There are two ways that you can see slack. The one is to go back up to the Format tab and click the Slack checkbox to turn it on. Now that I've done that, let's scroll down in the task list, and I'm going to look at... Let's say task 47, "Arrange external maintenance." I'm going to go…
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