From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
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Resource housekeeping
From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training
Resource housekeeping
- [Instructor] It's easier to work on resources when you can find them quickly. Sorting them by type and then putting them in alphabetical order is one way to do that. Project also has an option that helps prevent duplicate resources. Well, the first thing we want to do is get the view to what is going to to help us see our resources. So the first thing I'm going to change is on the view tab in the split view section, I'm going to turn off the details check box. Now, we're going to sort the resources. First by type, and then in alphabetical order. To do that, on the view tab in the data section, click the sort button and then choose sort by on the menu. That opens up the sort dialogue box. The first thing we're going to sort by is type. So I can start typing in the word type. And once I see it in the box, it's selected, but I want to sort in descending order so that the work resources are first, and the cost resources are last. So I'm going to select the descending option. Then let's…
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