From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Organize the task list

Organize the task list

- As you build and manage your project, you'll probably end up reorganizing the tasks in your task list. You can change their outline levels or move them around in the list. Before we do that, I want to widen the task name column. So, I'm going to point to the right side of the task name header and then drag to the right. looking at indenting and out denting, what you do depends on the task levels. We're going to take a look at task 18 prep phone system. It turns out that it's actually two levels too low. It should be at the same level as plan move. So, I select the task and then go to the task tab, to the schedule section. And, there's a button that has some gray horizontal lines and a small blue arrow pointing to the left. That's out dent. Go ahead and click that the first time. And, it brings it up one level. And, then when you click it the second time, it comes up to the level of plan move. You can see that just by following where it sits in the outline. If we scroll down a little…
