From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Modify resource assignments

Modify resource assignments

- [Instructor] You might modify resource assignments in various ways, add or remove resources, change task duration or work, or adjust the percentage of time resources devote to a task. Project offers several features to help you get the results you want. We're going to look at this special project file to see how these resource assignment modifications work. And we're going to look at the task usage view because it's really helpful for seeing what's going on with assignments. On the view tab, go to the task view section and click the top half of the task usage button. With task usage, you'll see a row for the task and then you'll see additional rows for each assignment. Now before we examine assignment modifications, let's insert a couple of fields. I'm going to right click the start heading and choose insert column. And I want to insert assignment units. Those are the units that you use to first assign a resource to a task. And you'll notice if you go to the task form, it's the same…
