From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Link tasks to build a schedule

Link tasks to build a schedule

- [Instructor] Project tasks need to be performed in the right sequence for the schedule to work well. In project management terms, task dependencies or task links define the sequence in which tasks should occur. Most links are finish to start. So for example, you have to identify the requirements before you can draft the budget. So I'm going to scroll over in the time scale to show you that these two tasks are already linked. They're linked finish to start. Now finish to start means that the finish of one task controls when the other task starts. This is important. The link is about which task controls the other, not which task comes first in the list or on the calendar. So in this case, identify requirements has to finish before draft budget can start. So the trigger task, identify requirements, is called the predecessor. And the draft budget task, which is the one being controlled, is the successor. Now let's go ahead and create links between two other tasks. In this example…
