From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Insert and rearrange table columns

Insert and rearrange table columns

- [Instructor] Project tables don't necessarily contain the fields you need or in the order you prefer. You can add, remove or rearrange columns directly in a table, whether it's built in or one you've customized. Let's start by saving a new view to hold the customizations. In this project, we're looking at the Gantt chart view. Let's go up to the task tab and click the bottom half of the Gantt chart button. On the shortcut menu that appears, let's go down to the bottom and click save view. I'm going to name this view OM Gantt, where the OM stands for office move, then click okay. Now we're going to switch the table that's displayed in this view and I'm going to use a different technique to do this than we've done in the past. If you look at the table in the view, there is a box above the task IDs and to the left of the column headings. That's called the all cells box. If you right click that box, you'll see a shortcut menu with tables, so you can select the one you want. In this…
