From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Identify schedule issues with Task Inspector

Identify schedule issues with Task Inspector

- [Instructor] Task Inspector helps you see the factors that affect a task start date along with any issues you might need to resolve. When you open this exercise file, if you see the planning wizard, you want to select Continue to allow the scheduling conflict and then click OK. Let's take a look at task 15, Finalized lease. If you look in the Finish cell for this task there's a red squiggly line underneath the date. That means there's some kind of scheduling issue. So let's right-click the task. And you'll see at the top of the shortcut menu, Fix in Task Inspector, so let's click that. And that opens up the Inspector pane on the left side of the screen. Up at the top, you'll see the task, you'll see things that you might have to fix. There's some buttons that offer different methods for fixing issues, and then at the bottom there's an info section, which shows the factors that affect the task's start date. For example, it's manually scheduled, which we'll see is part of the issue…
