From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Find schedule problems

Find schedule problems

- [Instructor] Project offers several tools to help identify potential problems that could delay the schedule. By using these tools, you can come up with strategies to recover before issues get out of hand. Let's start by looking at the Tracking Gantt. So I'm going to go to the bottom half of the Gantt chart button, click, and then choose Tracking Gantt. Let's select the project Summary Task. And I'm going to click, scroll to task, which I have on the quick access toolbar. That will scroll, so I can see the beginning of the project. Now let's change the units on the times scale from days to weeks. So on the view tab in the zoom section click the down arrow and choose weeks. And you can see that the task bars are more compact. In this view, the dark gray bars are the baseline and the blue bars are the current schedule. So at the beginning of the project, it looked fine. Things were starting and finishing about when they were supposed to, but you'll see that some of the tasks introduce…
