From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Delete tasks and summary tasks

Delete tasks and summary tasks

- [Instructor] Deleting tasks works a little differently whether you delete work tasks or summary tasks. So let's start with deleting a subtask or regular work task. I'm going to select task 17, lease signed by clicking its task ID cell. Then on the keyboard, press the delete key. And the task is deleted. That's all you have to do. Deleting a summary task with subtasks is a little different. So I'm going to select task six, identify costs. I'm just selecting that particular summary task, not its subtasks. When I press the Delete key, I see the Planning Wizard message box if the Planning Wizard is turned on, and it says identify costs is a summary task, and if you delete it, the subtasks are going to be deleted too. The continue option is selected, so when you click OK, it deletes the summary task and its subtasks. Well, in this example, we want those tasks in the list, so let's restore them. On the Task tab, go to the left side of the ribbon and click Undo first to restore the…
