From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Delay a task or assignment

Delay a task or assignment

- [Instructor] If resources are over allocated because they're assigned to more than one concurrent task, you can delay tasks or assignments to resolve those over allocations. In this project, we're going to scroll down in the task list. And you'll notice that starting with task 45, quite a few of them have the red resource over allocation icons in the indicators column. And when we scroll over to the right in the table in the resource names column, most of these tasks are assigned to the office manager. Well, it turns out that these tasks don't have to be done in a specific order so we didn't add any links to them to put them in sequence. Instead, we can add delays to move the tasks to when the resource has available time. To do that, we're going to go up to the task tab and in the view section, click the bottom half of the Gantt chart button. Then at the bottom of the menu, click more views. In the more views dialogue box, select leveling Gantt and then click apply. The first thing…
